What are the problems with Deadpool’s mutant powers?
Deadpool's mutant powers

What are the problems with Deadpool’s mutant powers?

Because Wade’s cancer (like every part of his body) inherited the same DNA, any mutant genes — and superpowers — would be activated in his tumor cells too. Deadpool would have a super-cancer. Those malignant tumors would have already defeated every weapon his super-defenses had thrown at them, so his body’s normal immune system wouldn’t stand a chance. Wade Wilson would probably die within hours.

Deadpool’s healing factor is therefore a double-edged sword as his superpowered cancer cells could succeed were blades, bullets and even bombs have failed: it would finally silence the Merc with a Mouth.

Can deadpool be killed?

How is Deadpool immortal?Deadpool’s immortality comes from his extreme healing factor, which constantly replaces his damaged cells with healthy ones at such an absurd rate that he’s actually immune to telepathy because his brain cells are being repaired faster than any telepath can mess with his mind.

How deadpool got his powers?

In Deadpool, Wade gains superpowers after being injected with a serum that “activates any mutant genes” lurking in his DNA when combined with extreme stress to “trigger mutations”.

What’s deadpool’s weakness?

  • The Muramasa Blade
  • Super cancer
  • The Thanos Curse
  • His Disfigurement
  • His Mental State
  • Children
  • Bovinophobia/Coulrophobia

Deadpool Cosplay Costume / Tee Shirt / Hoodie

Deadpool versus spider-man who would win?

Winner: Your friendly neighborhood Spider-man!

Okay, Spider-man and Deadpool have fought before. Twice, in the two times Deadpool killed the Marvel Universe, he killed Spider-man, but although those comics were fun, they weren’t the most realistic. Most of the times they’ve fought ends with Spider-man beating the crap out of Wade and/or webbing him up.

In Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe, when Spidey pins down Deadpool, Wade puts a gun to his head and blows out his brains at too close a range for him to do much.

Here is what happened in another fight between the two red-clad Marvel characters. I hesitate to say heroes because that would imply Deadpool is a hero, which is a bit of a stretch.

Anyway, who would win in a fight with no prep-time, so goal for Deadpool to kill the entire Marvel Universe that requires him to win and so on.


Spider-man, AKA Peter Parker, is a young hero who gained his powers from the bite of a radioactive Spider, giving him a multitude of powers and the power and responsibility of fighting the villains that threaten his city, and the world.


  • Genius
  • Skilled fighter
  • Wall-crawling
  • Spider sense
  • Superhuman strength
  • Superhuman speed
  • Superhuman reflexes
  • Durability
  • Limited regeneration


  • Webshooters


Deadpool, AKA Wade Wilson, is a mercenary and special forces veteran who was diagnosed with cancer. His abduction and torture disfigured him, leaving him with a healing factor and a twisted sense of humor. A run-in with Thanos cursed him with immortality.


  • Skilled fighter
  • Weapons Master
  • Marksmanship
  • Regeneration
  • Immortality
  • Superhuman reflexes


  • Dual swords
  • Dual Pistols
  • Grenades
  • Rifle

If this is a fight to the death, Deadpool wins, because he can’t lose, for he can’t fight. So I won’t make it that unfair.

While Deadpool has plenty of deadly weapons from swords to guns to grenades, but hitting Spider-man is the hard part. His agility and Spider-sense will guide him around the bullets coming his way, and whatever else Deadpool has to throw at him. Wade is fast, no doubt about that, but Spider-man has the edge in speed, and easily in super strength. Spider-man has so many great feats of strength, there is really no competition.

Honestly, I don’t see Deadpool being able to hit Peter with any of his weapons, seeing Spider-man’s agility and senses, and he has enough super strength to pin down Deadpool and knock him out and leave him in webs. Deadpool can’t die in this fight, but he can lose it.

Deadpool Vs. Batman: Who Wins?

Marvel’s Deadpool, the Merc with a Mouth, and DC’s Batman, the famous Dark Knight of Gotham City. Can the most unconventional of all superheroes defeat Gotham’s Caped Crusader? Who would win in a fight between Deadpool and Batman?

Although Deadpool and Batman have very similar powers and abilities, Batman would be able to defeat a non-overpowered version of Deadpool, since he has been able to defeat much stronger enemies. An overpowered Deadpool, though, would defeat Batman with ease.

In order to completely answer this question, we have to consider two situations – one where Batman is righting a “regular” Deadpool (as if anything about this guy is regular”, and the other where he is fighting an overpowered Deadpool (like the Killology guy). Now, let us see both of these situations.

The first situation is a bit tougher. Namely, while Deadpool does have superhuman (or mutant) abilities and is immortal, these powers still seem to be just enhanced abilities of a regular human (sans the immortality, but that doesn’t really play a big role here, since we’re talking about a fight between the two, not whether Batman could kill Deadpool).

Deadpool is strong, he is fast, he is a good fighter and a good marksman, and he is agile. But so is Batman! Everything we’ve said in the previous sentence can be said about Batman, who is a regular human at the height of human conditioning. How much – if anything at all – Deadpool’s powers surpass Batman’s is a question of debate, but we are certain that it is not by much.

In light of these facts, we believe that Batman would be able to defeat Deadpool. Namely, despite being a challenge, Deadpool is not even near the level of some of Batman’s foes (e.g. Darkseid) and Batman is notoriously known for being one of the best tacticians in comic books.

Plus, Batman has fought enemies that are very similar to Deadpool when it comes to their powers and has defeated them, which is why we think that Batman would be able to defeat a regular Deadpool.

As for the other situation, where Batman has to fight against an overpowered Deadpool, for example, the Killology version of the character that killed everyone and everything, we don’t think that the Dark Knight would stand much chance. Namely, the game would be rigged so much in Deadpool’s favor that anything Batman would come up with would be destined to fail and there is really no basis to state that Batman would stand a chance against such a version of the character.

Who Wins: Spider-Man or Deadpool?

Spider-Man would beat Deadpool. Easily. Because Deadpool loves Spider-Man, and therefore could never bring himself truly to hurt Spider-Man. Spider-Man would take Deadpool down, but still visit him both in the hospital and later in prison. Why? Because friendship takes maximum effort, people.

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